Art For Everyone : Public Art Installations

Read about the whole point of "Looking Around London" at this link here.

Get started with my pictures and thoughts on the London Tree Trunk Tour here.

The Tree Trunk Tour is going to be on Hamilton Road, and I'm blogging its creation here.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Gallery 16 (Yellow Sassafras)

Yellow 'Sassafras'

Click on each image to see the full sized pic.
This is a  Metal Tree sculpture on the southeast corner of Dundas St., and Waterloo St.
You can go to the Metal Trees of the Carolinian Forest Map, or return to the Thumbnail Gallery, or go to the list of my essays on What Makes Effective Public Art?
You can even head back to the Homepage.

1 comment:

  1. Јаnuаrу іs thе mоnth tо vіsіt London уоu wаnt tо hіt thе shорs аs thе sаlеs wіll bе іn full swіng аnd еvеrуоnе wіll bе gоіng shорріng сrаzу. Wіth thе rush оf Сhrіstmаs оvеr thеrе wіll bе рlеntу оf tісkеts аvаіlаblе fоr thе mаnу thеаtrеs аnd соnсеrt hаlls.
    source: plane tickets to london
